in 2026..
More info under Contact – News & Events
The two tours Kenya – South Africa 2024 and South Africa – Namibia 2024 sind abgeschlossen, aber kommende Saison, d.h. Ende dieses Jahr planen wir zwei ähnliche Touren in umgekehrter Richtung und freuen uns auf eure Anfragen, Reservierungen oder Buchungen.
Namibias wild north and down to the cape region
South Africa
On of big tour from Cape Town to Kenya
South Africa
We are a young company with a specialisation in accompanied adventure tours in Africa with your own motorbike and support vehicle.
In den letzten Jahren haben wir selbst an Touren teilgenommen und auch Touren als Guide begleitet.
With zebrafari motorbike adventures, we have been offering Africa tours according to the proven Explo-Tours concept again since 2022. Our first tours were:
Unsere ersten Touren waren: Namibia “classic” 2022 and Namibia – Kenya 2023.
Die Touren Kenya – South Africa 2024 and South Africa – Namibia 2024 sind beendet und alle Bikes wieder zu Hause.
Further tours are planned.
In Sachen Konzept stand die Explo-Tours GmbH Pate. Zu den Schwerpunkten des bewährten Konzepts zählen das möglichst..
..freie Fahren
without big luggage
with your own motorcycle
on a guided tour
with escort vehicle
Admittedly, we are absolute Africa fans and were very sad that our previous tour operator Explo-Tours no longer offered this type of tour.
With zebrafari motorbike adventures on an African tour again, we were very excited and were not disappointed in any way.
Before the start of the tour, we received detailed and timely information, tips and assistance from the organiser. This all-round feel-good package was to continue on our 4-week tour. Clemens and Josef proved to be very well prepared. Flexibility and active problem-solving on site are very important to the guys.
Richi, our local chef, motorbike towing service and drone rescuer spoiled us with delicious food and was generally always in a good mood.
The group was really great, always happy to come back.
Speaking of always being happy..............we have already signed up for the next tour.
Four weeks of enduro touring through Namibia while it is winter in Germany: this is the ideal winter escape. Namibia is an enduro paradise with only a few asphalt roads and a large selection of tracks in all levels of difficulty, so that you can ride sometimes easy, sometimes challenging routes, depending on your form on the day. Add to this the grandiose nature and endless expanse.
The support vehicle transports the luggage and provides cold beer in the evening at the camp. That's how it can be endured.
My thanks go to the Zebrafari team for the perfect organisation!
Link to Christoph's Blog: https://clmt.de/blog/2023/02/namibia-2023-fazit-und-inhalt/
Africa at its best:
LECKER 6000 km Zebra-Namibia-Graveltour, NOT for wimps: from Walvis Bay -> Orange River to Kunene/Epupafalls/Angola/Etosha: awesome shit!!!Who likes sandy + slopes, packs studds on the bike and finds here a real adventure tour, Attention: Africa virus = repeat offenders DANGER!
and find the zebras behind the Etosha bar: I swear!
Thanks to Clemens, Josef and Richi, Ela + Bernd + the rest of the gang
With shit delicious biker greeting
KTM-Peter (on Husky 701)
And once again the Africa virus = repeat offender danger had infected us.
On our 4-week Namibia-Kenya tour, Zebrafari - motorbike adventures once again proved to be the perfect organiser. African cuisine thanks to our cook Osman from Tanzania left nothing to be desired. Simply delicious!
The tour planning was very varied with many special stages according to the motto:
Not just biking, but also getting to know the country and its people.
The guys from Zebrafari did their job perfectly! Many, many thanks for the great time.
.... one of the last real African adventures :
Whoever sees the seal pups at Cape Cross on the cold Benguela Current,
und gleich dahinter den heißen Wüstensand der Namib/Erongo, die Victoriafalls am Ende des Caprivi Zipfels, den Hoba Meteorit, ne Zambesi-Hippo-Bootstour und die tolle Enduro Leopards-Hill-Road in Luangwa erfahren hat,
enjoy your own tent directly on the beach of Lake Malawi, the delicious on-board cuisine +
2x cool water from the fridge + lake.
No matter whether you are an inexperienced Swedish 20 tonne bus driver who sinks his pink trolley into the sand or just need a giant spanner:
the Zebrafari-Truck + Team Josef/Clemens box everyone out!
From the elephants, wildebeests, lions, giraffes and zebras of the Tanzanian Mikumi National Park, you jet up the winding roads into the green mountainous region of the Usambara violets, where tea, bananas, mangoes and all kinds of tropical fruit are served at the roadside; after a fully digital border crossing into Kenya, Kilimanjaro appears early in the morning as you circle it with a snow cap. At the end of the day, a great hotel pool with a cool refreshment awaits the now experienced enduro bums at the beach through the fun and lively traffic of the Mio city of Mombasa.
If you get 4 weeks off from your boss + wife, you absolutely have to find out - before you retire: Is it worth it - ARE YOU READY TO RACE?
The guys from Zebrafari did their job perfectly! Many, many thanks for the great time.
it was the first experience of this kind for me,
i.e. the first trip in Africa and the first trip with enduro tracks and then across Africa from Namibia to Kenya!
Thanks to your super service from the beginning of the booking (with information before the trip, your preparation of the tour, route and overnight stays) to your service on the tour, 24 hours a day, it was a really great experience for me:Your provision of breakfast and dinner was really delicious. A big compliment to your chef Othman.
But really the best thing: if something didn't go according to plan, it was made to fit! Can't be done, didn't exist!
Thanks for piggybacking my motorbike when I couldn't ride!
From Namibia to Kenya on your own motorbike.
Wonderful landscapes, great people and no luggage on the motorbike.No "herd" riding and the right routes for everyone.
Off-road driving made "easy".
A great tour. And excellent support! The all-round carefree package!!!
An adventurous journey with your own motorbike 6400km across Africa (Namibia - Kenya).
Everything was perfect from start to finish.A great trip for anyone who wants to experience Africa on a motorbike without luggage.
The community and co-operation with everyone involved was a great thing.
Kudos to the Zebrafari team and keep up the good work.
Das Afrika-Fieber hat mich wieder gepackt! Nach meiner Südafrika-Namibia-Tour vor fünf Jahren fiel meine Wahl diesmal auf die Kenia-Südafrika-Tour, die durch sieben afrikanische Länder führt.
Mit Zebrafari war ich stets in besten Händen! Vor Reiseantritt erhält man immer zeitnah alle notwendigen Informationen. Auch während der Reise fühlte ich mich perfekt begleitet, und Tourguide Josef hatte für jedes Problem oder Anliegen eine Lösung parat.Das Frühstück und Abendessen, zubereitet von Osman, waren wirklich köstlich.
Das Konzept von Zebrafari ist die ideale Lösung für alle, die Afrika mit dem eigenen Motorrad erkunden möchten! Vielen Dank an das gesamte Team für dieses unvergessliche Abenteuer!Have you ever dreamed of exploring Africa with your own motorcycle, surrounded by like minded people and without carrying heavy luggage? You’ve come to the right place!
Zebrafari has the right team, experience, set-up and attitude to make your trip an unforgettable one. All is very well organized, also allowing enough time to explore some of Africa’s must-see attractions. Just make sure that your partner and boss are OK with 5 weeks motorcycle vacation…. and brace yourself for what could very well be the trip of a lifetime. Many thanks to the Zebrafari team, a trip report of our 2024 Mombasa-Cape Town can be found here: https://www.polarsteps.com/LuisCabrita/14873681-transafrica-by-motorcycleEigentlich brauchen wir keine Organisation, um auch außerhalb Europas auf Motorradtour zu gehen. Aber dieses Konzept hat uns sofort begeistert. Hin- und Rücktransport unseres Motorrads im Container, sodass wir die 8.000 km von Mombasa nach Kapstadt one-way fahren können; kein Gänsemarsch, sondern anhand von Tracks/Routen frei unterwegs sein; campen und keine Nobelunterkünfte. Und das war dann in der Realität 2019 so klasse, dass wir es nach Corona mit der Nachfolgerfirma ‚ zebrafari‘ direkt noch einmal gebucht haben. Und dabei noch mehr ‚Wiederholungstäter‘ getroffen haben.
‚Zebrafari‘ hat das bestehende Konzept in vielen Details noch weiter verbessert. Und die Menschen dahinter sind einfach klasse: mit Josef als Guide, Othman als Koch und Clemens dem Chef war es 2024 sogar möglich, mit meinem gebrochenen Fuß die Reise (als Sozia) fortzusetzen. Auch hier an dieser Stelle noch einmal vielen Dank für die Unterstützung und die Organisation, aber auch vielen Dank an die ganze Gruppe, die mich mit Wort und Tat unterstützt hat.Was für eine Reise!!!
Vier Wochen Südafrika und Namibia mit coolen Leuten und neuen Freunden.
Ein großes Dankeschön an das Team um Clemens, Ela, Richi und Osman.
Ihr habt uns gut versorgt und wart immer ansprechbar, wenn´s mal Probleme gab.
Die Landschaft, die Menschen, einfach alles war der absolute Hammer.
Afrika hat mich angefixt.
Liebes Zebrafariteam,
ich durfte bei der Transafrikatour von Mombasa nach Kapstadt 2024 mit dabei sein. Es war für mich ein unvergessliches und tolles Erlebnis.
Besonders erwähnen möchte ich die Begleitung von unserem Tourguide Josef und seinem Team. Er war auf der ganzen Reise der Ruhepol und löste sämtlichen afrikanischen Probleme souverän. Unser Koch Osman verzauberte uns jeden Tag mit seiner abwechslungsreichen Feldküche.
Wer Lust auf Abenteuer und auf unvergessliche Momente hat, der ist hier richtig.
Liebe Grüsse, Dieter aus Österreich